Jesus' Body!


Question: What happens to a Disciple that stops abiding in Him in Verse 6 of John 15:1-8?


There seems to be a difference between those who “backslide”, and those that make a definite decision to reject Jesus after knowing about Him, and His purpose!

The backslider, who regrets their backsliding, and who wishes forgiveness from the Lord; seems to me to be still in the Body of Christ Jesus; which was the experience of King David post Bathsheba and her husband's death!  (Psalm 51:17).

The cold hearted decision made against God’s Sacrifice in Christ Jesus, leaves little room for God’s Grace to show; but “as only He looks on the heart of mankind”; His is the final decision!

If there is no place in a person’s heart for God’s Love; which will be finally seen at the “Great White Throne Judgement” (Rev. 20:11–12); then those people are destined for John 15:6!


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